Plastipolis – Pôle de Compétitivité Plasturgie

PLASTIPOLIS has been officially appointed in 2005, as France’s competitiveness cluster for the plastics industry sector, located in Oyonnax, in the so-called Plastics Vallée of France, it brings together all the operators in the sector (companies, R&D centres, training centres, and institutional entities) in the RhôneAlpes and Franche-Comté regions. Plastipólis has more than 400 active members (250 companies).

As a leading Technology Cluster for Polymer Industry in France, Plastipolis aims to promote the expertise of French plastics engineering companies on a European and international level. Regarding the 2020 Tecnological Roadmap the 4 main strategic areas are: advanced materials, high added value manufacturing processes, smart plastics and green materials and eco-design.

The main missions of Plastipolis are: the stimulation of innovation within the plastics industry with connecting technologies and business applications; the support of small and medium companies in the plastics industry in new developments; The improvement of the cooperations between industrial and academic entities and the establishments of partnerships.

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